Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week 9, Thing 20 YouTube

Well, I tried unsuccessfully to include a video from YouTube here and lost my blog post as well since the embedded part was at the beginning of my entry. In an effort to move on and complete this I'll try to recap. I gazed upon a wide array of videos on YouTube ranging from silly to stupid to slighly humorous to scary and worrisome! It seems everyone is enamored with getting their few moments of glory.

I finally chose a baby sign language video to share because it was cute and was fun to see how well the baby was able to communicate even with only approximate representations of the signs. Little ones understand soo much that is said to them before they can readily verbalize that I thought it interesting to see this use of sign language in action. I also saw some sign language videos that only focused on one sign-with that type of repetition perhaps I could learn sign language, too!

Not sure how YouTube-Style videos would work on a library site except perhaps to give patrons a real taste of a program, for example, the Jamestown program in a snippet to get them interested to sign up or using a how-to or how to "not" do something to assist the patrons. YouTube can certainly pull you in and have you trying to make sense of what you are viewing!

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