Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thing 1-Getting Started

Being no stranger to lifelong learning, I found the habits discussed in week #1 to be familiar to me. I am hopeful this 23 Things will help me have more confidence in myself with the use of technology. It seems I employ the computer as a tool but don't always utilize it fully enough so that technology is truly used to my advantage! Number #6 is probably my greatest challenge because I have so many interests that actively consume my time. I'm hopeful I'll learn some new tricks and become more tech savy!
The habit that is easiest for me is accepting responsibility for my own learning. Having gone to college as a non-traditional student, I fully appreciate the value of the investment in learning for my future. I want to keep up better but find time issues a problem. I love to learn and hope 23 Things will help broaden my horizons!


Tracey Kaplan said...

Yea for did it! I love the name of your blog. Very cute. You will be tech savvy before you know it. Thanks for doing such great story times. We miss the "twos."

-Tracey K.

SJB said...

Thanks for the encouragement!! It took a long time for this to get posted with the library group but I'm stumbling through the assignments! Glad you all enjoyed the story times! How is that cute little gal doing? Have a great summer!